
The MotionPass platform connects car drivers in a specific location, with the businesses and services nearby, allowing them to find, order and pay for services instantly while consumption happens “on-the-go”.

Our API empowers businesses and public service providers to create bespoke experiences for their customers to find and pay for services without having to worry about creating individual partnerships and integrations.

If you are interested in our MotionPass platform and how it can integrate to your solution or mode of transport, drop us a line:  hello at motionpass.eu

Automated parking

Our mission is to make payments on the go as smooth as possible – including parking fees. MotionPass detects parking possibilities nearby, opens / closes barriers and automatically charges driver’s favorite payment option. 

MotionPass can be also integrated in municipal paid parking zones systems, allowing seamless payments in line with each municipality’s pricing policies. Additionally to the payment process itself, the MotionPass platform delivers advanced usage statistics to the parking lot operator, making the capacity planning easier.

Seamless road tolling

MotionPass tolling system notifies driver about paid highways, tunnels or bridges and allows to seamlessly  buy a permit. Our plan is to make these services smooth and collection of fee cheap so everyone can benefit.

Drive into the future. Your car can pay everything by itself making your trip as smooth as flying!

Faster charging and refueling

MotionPass can find gas / charging stations, calculate refuel / recharge costs and lets the driver pay without having to get out of the car. According to the driver’s preferences, MotionPass can navigate either to the cheapest or the nearest station.

MotionPass can integrate even into fuel card systems, making the refueling process as user-friendly as never before. Reach out to us to find out more!


Disclosures in accordance with § 5 TMG
MotionPass UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Kolonnenstraße 8
10827 Berlin, Germany

Email: hello@motionpass.eu
Homepage: https://motionpass.eu

Represented by
Mr. Michal Pajr
Mr. Josef Lobotka

Register entry
Register number: HRB 181392 B
Register court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg (Berlin)

VAT number
VAT identification number under section 27a of the German VAT act: DE315014576
